I am building a query table in Zoho nalytics to show my Purchase Order Items, I am trying to get some information from the Items (Zoho Finance) table by joining Purchase Order Items (Zoho Finance) and Items (Zoho Finance) on Item ID. But my fields are coming through as blank (specifically SKU and Type fields). I am not sure what is going on as the ITEM ID is the same in both tables.
This is the query I am using:
PO."Purchase Order Number" as "PO Number",
V."Vendor Name" as "PO Brand",
PO."Reference number" as "Reference Number",
PO."Purchase Order Date" as "Order Placed",
PO."Expected Delivery Date" as "Expected Date",
PO."Delivery Date" as "Received Date",
POi."Item Name" as "Item Name",
i."SKU" as "SKU",
i."Type_1" as "Type",
POi."Quantity" as "Quantity Ordered",
POi."Quantity Received" as "Quantity Received",
PO."Delivery Instructions" as "PO Notes"
FROM "Purchase Orders (Zoho Finance)" PO
LEFT JOIN "Purchase Order Items (Zoho Finance)" POi ON POi."Purchase Order ID" = PO."Purchase Order ID"
LEFT JOIN "Vendors (Zoho Finance)" V ON V."Vendor ID" = PO."Vendor ID"
LEFT JOIN "Items (Zoho Finance)" i ON i."Item ID" = POi."Item ID"
GROUP BY PO."Purchase Order Number",
V."Vendor Name",
PO."Reference number",
PO."Purchase Order Date",
PO."Expected Delivery Date",
PO."Delivery Date",
POi."Item Name",
POi."Quantity Received",
PO."Delivery Instructions"
Can you please help me with this issue?
Kind regards,
Juan Arias