Question logic to work across pages

Question logic to work across pages

To whom it may concern,

Our survey is to designed to help capture scientific data and trends in order to determine the extent of a major Australian virus. At present there is no known statistics collected by government or researchers on the incidence of virus contraction for the majority of circumstances, as the government only allow a very narrow set of circumstances to be taken into consideration. This means that the statistics on the number of people who are actually infected, is potentially much higher than what is nationally reported. Mind you this disease is a nationally notifiable disease, however it is a low priority disease in the eyes of government, as it is not life threatening or easily contagious. 

It would be good if your question logic could work across pages.

For instance our survey has a demographic page asking if respondents are Queensland residents. The respondents Yes/no answer determines a proceeding range of questions. Our survey is being released as a staged survey, released in segments over 4-5 weeks. Our latest stage has a specific component called Travel info, this goes into further detail to try look for very specific trends, such as has the individual traveled outside of their state or territory, but not outside of australia. Another question asks, have you traveled to an Australian tropical area within the last 5 years....and it goes on with other very specific questions.

If I were able to activate question logic for questions in previous pages, this would help to allow the survey to proceed in a more seamless manner.