Re-ordering work experiences with overlapping dates manually or by end date

Re-ordering work experiences with overlapping dates manually or by end date

Current issue: 

A user (candidate) has 2 work experiences. 

Work experience 1: started on Mar 1, 2021 -  Present
Work experience 2, started on Sept 3, 2022 - and ended Oct 10, 2023 

The challenge is that although work experience 1 is the current work experience, which started before work experience 2 and should be at the top of the work experiences section because it is still the current and most recent work experience, the system automatically puts work experience 2 as the first work experience. This appears that the Zoho recruit is using the start date to order the work experience. 

The implication of this is that seeing the most recent job's end date as 2023  makes it appear to a recruiter as though the candidate has been out of work for about a year and a fine. candidate may be mistakenly not selected.

That said, not everyone has a linear start date and end date. This scenario is typically common among people who work contract jobs.

Also, with the future of work and the growing number of remote/freelancing work, this scenario will happen more.

Similarly, there are other types of resumes other than chronological resume layout. For example, there is the functional resume layout in which work experiences are ordered based on closely related roles.

Thus, the suggestions and the expected/Ideal use case is:
As a result of users (candidates) having such overlapping working experiences i.e. overlapping start date and end date as described above, it would be better to enable;

- ability to reorder the work experience manually, so that the candidate can easily set the order of work experiences.
- enable the system to place the job with the "I currently work here" at the top of the work experiences.
- and/or sort the order by end-date instead

The first two will enable the candidates to properly showcase or list work experiences and even education history.

Also, if there are 2 work experiences with the "I currently work here" checkbox, the candidate should/would be able to order the two as preferred because they are relevant to the job post.

I am open to helping to add more insights into these requests or ideas to help implement this as fast as possible.

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