Re Record expense with different VAT rates

Re Record expense with different VAT rates

I have an expense where the VAT breakdown is as follows:
                             Local Amount                  VAT
Airline Split Fee      80.00                              (11.20)
Customs Docs       550.00                             (77.00)
Cartage                 450.00                             (63.00)
Customs VAT        0.00                                2281.30
EDI Fee                 85.00                              (11.90)  
Agency Fee           950.00                             (133.00)
Facility Fee            94.93                               0.00
Handling Fee          350.00                             (49.00)

Subtotal ex vat      2559.93
VAT                      2626.40

What is the best way to record this in Zoho?  Can I split the VAT in one transaction?  

What is the best way to record this?