Recurring tasks are tasks that are created once, and then recreated automatically after a designated time period. For example, the invoice for your billable tasks is due every week. You can set that task to recreate itself every week. Also, the future recurring task is not created if the previous one is not completed. Here's how it works.
Future instances of recurring tasks are displayed virtually based on their recurring frequency. In the Calendar, you can open and edit only the active recurring task; the virtual recurring tasks cannot be edited. Neither can you perform any action on those virtual tasks, they just serve as a reminder for your convenience about the project schedule.
Future instances of recurring tasks are also displayed virtually in both the Gantt and Resource utilization charts. Only the active recurring task is displayed as task bar, whereas the future instances of recurring tasks are displayed as dotted lines, just as a reminder.
Remind on, if you select:
- None : There will be no reminder mails for tasks.
- Daily : Reminder mails are triggered daily from the scheduled date in Start Date until the Due on date. (Mail notification is sent every day, from the selected start date until its due date.) Also, based on Business Hours settings, reminder mails are sent even if the task Start Date and End Date falls on a weekend or holiday.
- On the same day : Reminder mails are triggered only on the scheduled Due on date. (Mail notification is sent only on the due date of the task.) Also, based on Business Hours settings, reminder mails are sent even if the task Due on date falls on a weekend or holiday.
- day(s) : You can set reminder mails to be triggered for any desired number of days, ahead of the scheduled Due on date. For example, you can set reminder mails to be triggered 3 days before the Due on date. Also, based on Business Hours settings, if you have skipped weekends in you settings, reminder mails are calculated and sent skipping the weekend or holiday.