Related Lists for Composite Items

Related Lists for Composite Items

Composite items really need to have related lists available, just like regular items. It might be even more important for composite items.

The pressing use case here is for people who are using the Zoho ecosystem for manufacturing. One of the shortcomings of Zoho Inventory for manufacturing is the inability to generate an "exploded BOM" - a Bill of Materials that contains all items consumed in the manufacture of a given product. This differs from the "Associate Items" list in the case where any composite items are used in the recipe. The exploded BOM takes into account the ingredients in the Composite Items that make up the Associate Items list (and any Composite Items underneath that).

This list of items can be determined programmatically via Deluge, but there is no good way to associate it with the Composite Item in question currently. The logical place for this information to be stored for use is as a Related List.

I'm sure that there are other uses, too. Pretty much any use for a related list for an Item would likely apply to a Composite Item, too.