Reopen and Continue WhatsApp Chats within 24-Hour Window

Reopen and Continue WhatsApp Chats within 24-Hour Window

Dear Zoho SalesIQ Team,

I'm writing to request a new feature that would enhance WhatsApp communication management within the 24-hour window: the ability to reopen and continue conversations with customers after a chat has been closed from our end.

Current Limitations:

Currently, Zoho SalesIQ allows sending WhatsApp messages to customers within 24 hours of initiating a conversation. However, if a chat is closed by our agents (e.g., Zobot closing the chat and creating a Zoho Desk ticket or maybe some other way that we close such a chat), we lose the ability to send further WhatsApp messages, even though the 24-hour window might still be open according to Meta/WhatsApp regulations.

We propose a feature that allows agents to:

Reopen Closed Chats: Reopen previously closed chats within the 24-hour window to resume whatsapp communication with the customer.

Continue WhatsApp Communication: Once a chat is reopened, continue sending and receiving WhatsApp messages as long as the 24-hour window remains open.

Integrate with Zoho Desk: When a chat is reopened, ensure all subsequent WhatsApp messages and chat history are automatically added to the corresponding Zoho Desk ticket (if one was created upon closing the chat).

This feature would offer several advantages:
Improved Customer Experience: Allows agents to address additional inquiries or clarifications from customers even after closing the initial chat.

Increased Sales Opportunities: Enables following up on leads or sales conversations within the crucial 24-hour window, potentially leading to higher conversion rates.

Streamlined Workflow: Integrating WhatsApp messages with Zoho Desk tickets provides a complete communication history for improved customer service management.

Addressing 24-Hour Window:
We understand that this feature focuses on communication within the 24-hour window. Our separate feature request regarding sending template messages outside this timeframe is being addressed in a different communication.


The ability to reopen closed WhatsApp chats and continue conversations within the 24-hour window would significantly improve our communication strategies and customer service capabilities within Zoho SalesIQ. We believe this feature aligns with Meta/WhatsApp regulations and would be valuable for many businesses.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
