report for the Batch Tracking function

report for the Batch Tracking function


I have a question about building a custom report. I was sent to you by Zoho Inventory support with my question.

We use Zoho Inventory to manage sales. We have enabled the Batch Tracking function for some products.

Now I need to display a report in my Zoho Inventory similar to “Receivable Details” with products in invoices, but only indicating from which batch a particular product was sold.

Here are more details.

We have invoices for sales. Each invoice contains products that are taken from a particular Batch of goods. I need to display data on goods for each invoice and data on the batch from which this product was sent to the customer for each product.

That is, the report should be a table with columns like these:

[Invoice#], [Invoice Date], [Customer], [Product Name], [SKU], [Quantity], [Sales Price], [Batch ID or Batch Reference]

Could you please help me?

The customer service response is as follows:

... please try creating a pivot/ a summary report in Zoho Analytics using the tables "Invoices", "Items", "Invoice Items", Customers" and the "Batch Number IN" tables. You can directly drag and drop the required columns from the corresponding tables into the report builder and generate the report ...

unfortunately the support response did not clarify the situation.

I have looked through the tables "Batch Number IN" and "Batch Number OUT" but I don't see how to link the fields "Batch OUT ID" with "Batch IN ID". That is, in fact, I need to get a report-table in which for each product in the invoice the number/ID of the batch from which the product was shipped.

Thank you for youre help