report merging several tables
Hello There
I am trying to build an application to manage payrolls. I built several tables such as:
Company name (field)
Company ref (field)
Company name (lookup)
Department name (field)
Employee Name (lookup)
Employee number (field)
Employee (lookup)
Company (lookup)
Contract # (field)
Contract (lookup)
Salary (field)
Bonus type
Bonus (field)
Benefit type
Contract (lookup)
Benefit Type (field)
Tables are linked with one another with lookup fields but there is no direct links between all of them.
I need to build a report that can merge data from all tables but I am only being able to build reports based on ONE table so I am not being able to produce my payroll report.
Could you please help me with my issue? How should I do to produce a multy-form report?
Thanks in advance for your help