Good afternoon,
On September 5th , our organization sent 2 emails through Zoho Campaign. We experienced important troubles (our emails were sent to small groups of people from 1.30pm to 9pm…and some people only received it days after). One of you team members explained that it was due to maintenance issues on your end.
But now we are looking at the Reports, and unfortunately the figures don’t really add up.
For instance: we sent a campaign called 2016_09_Newsletter 8_EN_SENDALL to:
(Selected lists and segments)
Import_Matched_2essai_batch1 – Segment: English = 2360 contacts
Unmatched_2essai - Segment: English = 1355 contacts
Subscription list - Segment: English = 26 contacts
Total = 3741 contacts
But the report show that the email was only sent to 2362 recipient. Why were 1379 recipients excluded?
Also, if we look at the summary report, we see the following results:
Delivered: 2271
Opened: 393
Clicked: 21
Then if we look at the AB Test split report :
Version A:
Emails sent: 1772
Opened: 328
Clicked: 36
Version B:
Emails sent: 1772
Opened: 208
Clicked: 14
As you can see, this doesn’t really work:
The A/B test was suppose to be sent to 60% of the recipients, and the 40% remaining were suppose to receive the rest. Why did the 2 versions were sent to the same number of people?? Does that mean that the 40% remaining were never addressed? Possibly the 1379 recipients mentioned above?
If you add the results of the version A to the version B, you obtain different results than the Summary report (ex: 36 clicks on version A + 14 clicks on version B = 50 clicks, not 21 as showed in the summury). Why is that?
If you could help us better understand those reports, that would be highly appreciated. I would also like to take the opportunity to ask that next time you’re planning maintenance on your tool or simply experiencing some bugs, it would be better to let your users know. We would simply have delayed our campaign.
Many thanks,