[reports] (Zoho desk) How to retrieve tickets report from analysis section with api calls

[reports] (Zoho desk) How to retrieve tickets report from analysis section with api calls

Hello, I am developping a powerautomate flux to retrieve the tickets listed in my custom report on zoho desk.
This custom report just collect all the tickets with the executed Time (from the Time entry) between a certain date.
Example: I want to make a report for the month of April, then I will have the list of all the tickets with an executed time between 1st and 30 of April.

I tried to create a custom views in the ticket module but there is NOT the executed time parameter, only hour of creation/modification, same problem for the https://desk.zoho.eu/api/v1/tickets/search?  parameters.

How can I query my custom report ??, plus why there isn't an Analysis module in

thanks for your help.