"Restore form Trash" improvements needed

"Restore form Trash" improvements needed

Dear Zoho Corp.,
there are some improvements that the "restore form Trash" absolutely needs:
1) it's is currently not possible to download a file or restore a file in another folder form the "restore from Trash", thus not allowing to download  a copy (i.e. of an older file that was overwritten) without risking to overwritten new ones;
2) "restore from Trash" DOESN'T SHOW THE PATH IN WHICH THE FILE WAS and therefore with multiple files with the same name deleted in different folders it's not possible to recognize the right one OR/AND it is NOT POSSIBLE TO UNDERSTAND WERE THE FILE WILL BE RESTORED;
3) we would recommend the "restore from Trash" to happen at each folder level like it's done in DropBox;
4) it's not possibile to recover older versions of a file as files are overwritten (its actually treated as a deletion).

Please include those bug fix in the roadmap.

Kindly regards

Marco Carolli