Restrict Access/Shared Access

Restrict Access/Shared Access

Sometimes access to documents that go out from Zoho Sign need to be restricted or shared.  For example:

1)  HR department send out employment contracts.  Any Zoho Sign admin can view them.  Access should be restricted to those that HR would allow to view them.
2)  Admin department send out document for signature.  The person who sends it goes off sick.  Their colleagues have no access to the documents to see if they have been signed/declined/need to be resent.
3)  Some departments only need access to specific templates, but have access to everything.  This could be quite confusing/time consuming to locate the correct one.

It would be great if you could choose which users/groups of users had access to a template, documents sent based on a template, or unique documents sent for signatures.  This could be done on roles, designations, locations or individual named people.

Zoho already has a super admin functionality.  This person should have access to all documents, regardless.

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