Retarget your past mobile users and engage with them using Push Notifications

Retarget your past mobile users and engage with them using Push Notifications

Missed a chat request from your mobile app user, who didn't provide any contact information such as Email or phone number while initiating the chat? And, wondering how to reach out to them? Push notifications are here to save you. Push notifications are the fastest and easiest way to grab your users' attention and encourage them to engage with you. 

How to do that? 

  • In the SalesIQ dashboard, navigate to Visitor History, select the missed visitor chat, and click on the Mobile icon on the Visitor info tab's top right corner.

  • Type the title and the message of the push notification. Use the link and attachment icon on the bottom to add target links and images to your push notification. Click Send in the bottom right corner to send the push notification. And you're done!

  • Once sent, the user will receive the push notification on their mobile.

Retargeting users using Push notification:

More than 90% of app users leave without initiating a chat or making a purchase. After a while, they even tend to forget that the app exists. Sending out constant reminders in push notification can help increase the app usage and sign more deals!  

You can use the following methods to retarget your customers:

  •  Treat users with promotions and offers:
 Users are always delighted to see offers and promotions. Adding a discount to their favorite products encourages them to purchase them.
  • Send out important notice and updates:
Inform your customers about all the updates and changes that take place in your app. Also, provide regular updates on customer purchases, tracking progress, etc. using push notifications.

Constant engagement with your users will increase their interaction with your app and support, leading to successful deals. Never miss out on your app users anymore!

Check out our help guides to install Mobilisten in your Android or iOS app.
