Return the client file msi/exe download path in the Zoho Assist API response

Return the client file msi/exe download path in the Zoho Assist API response

We support unattended kiosks that have internet access and a web management interface, but no remote screen sharing software installed.

We do not need an always on unattended access client installed. Instead we want to be able to initiate a remote session on demand without someone at the kiosk. Our kiosk software runs in a limited account so we can't install the unattended client on-demand as it requires admin privileges.

The API has a method for creating a support session, but this just returns a JSON formatted response with links that the customer would then need to visit, download the client, and install. We would like for the API to return a link to the client exe/msi that our kiosk could then download/install when needed.

Example scenario:
  1. We would have a button within our management interface to initiate a screen sharing session.
  2. Our management interface would send a request to our kiosk software.
  3. Our kiosk software would then use the Zoho Assist API to create a remote support session.
  4. The Assist API response would contain links to the msi/exe
  5. Our kiosk software would parse the response, download the file, and install it.
  6. The Zoho Assist interface would then show the client connected.