I am trying to create a report that requires character length specific fields that are space filled. My approach is to create a query of fields and concatenate them into a single column while using the RPAD function on each selected field so I can fill with spaces as needed. My requirement is to have each field contain a specific number of characters and if the content of that field is less than the character count requirement, then fill with spaces.
It seems as the RPAD function is perfect for this need - and if I use any other character than a space it works -- however spaces seem to be automatically stripped out by Zoho. I have tried several approaches to work around this but nothing seems to be functioning in Zoho. I'd like to use a query similar to this:
CONCAT(RPAD("order_number", 10, ' '), RPAD("customer_code", 20, ' '), 'text') as col1
In the use case, assume that my order_number field contains 12345 and the customer_code field contains ABCDE, I would want the result of the query to be the value of order_number + 5 spaces + the value of customer_code + 15 spaces + the text 'test':
12345 ABCDE text
It looks like Zoho is not allowing the space character as the RPAD (or the LPAD value either).
Please advise how I can accomplish my reporting needs of space padded fields.