Sales orders with back ordered PO's

Sales orders with back ordered PO's

Asking efficient Books guys as Inventory guys always seem to be on fag breaks / holiday & I need a quick answer ;-) ....

Hmmmmmm !!!!

OK - please tell me how to overcome this .....

Sales order | create back order PO ...
Sales order is auto marked "On hold" ...
Try edit sales order to change shipping date...
Almost there, but...
  • Sales orders that have been shipped or on hold cannot be updated.
So is NOT shipped ...
back ordered PO Received...
Try edit sales order to change shipping date...
Almost there, but...
  • Sales orders that have been shipped or on hold cannot be updated.
SO is NOT shipped ...
PO is received ...
Enter bill for receive & save as draft as we haven't really received the bill ...
Sales order is auto marked "Confirmed" ...
Try edit sales order to change shipping date...
Almost there, but...
  • Sales orders that have been shipped or on hold cannot be updated.
SO is NOT shipped ...
PO is received ...
Edit bill for receive & save as OPEN but we still haven't really received the bill ...
Sales order is marked "Confirmed" ...
Try edit sales order to change shipping date...
Almost there, but...
  • Sales orders that have been shipped or on hold cannot be updated.

What more can I do to edit this damned sales order / take it off hold - am I doing something wrong ???