Salesforce CRM to the rescue!

Salesforce CRM to the rescue!

Hey there! 
Are you a Salesforce user? Woaah! Then we have a great news for you! We have added an other jewel to our crown - Salesforce CRM , to seize prospective leads effortlessly and to escalate lead conversions without even having to leave your SalesIQ account. Will that be all? No not at all, stick around, read through to know what can this power packed combo do for you. Not a Salesforce user? Wanna try out a similar Zoho product ? Try Zoho CRM today! 
Let's take a quick look at the benefits that you can gain out of this integration,

1. Prioritize your visitors  
Filter out prospective leads out of the visitor pool that your website has based on various CRM values provided by Salesforce. For instance say the ones with open opportunities of reasonable values, prioritize them and target them with appropriate approaches accordingly.
2. Be proactive, hunt down those hot leads 
Initiate chats with those "Hot leads" when they hit your website, just to make sure that you stand a chance to convert them into prospective customers. For instance, say you look into the visitor tile of a particular visitor and you could clearly see that he/she has spent a reasonable amount of time grazing around the pricing page of your products. Apparently their CRM data portrays them to be strike worthy, are you just going to sit back and watch them drift away or would you rather jump into the field, initiate a chat and bag them before they leave? 
3. Contextualize your chat sessions with your "Hot Leads" 
When a visitor comes up with a query about a product, analyze his/her CRM profile right away from the chat window. If the odds of him/her becoming a prospective customer of your firm is quite equal or above the threshold that you have in mind, pitch in all the deals and offers that you can think of available for that particular product, lure them into buying the product. If they still seem to be indecisive, then cool, add an open opportunity for him/her right away from the chat window and make sure that you follow up on it.
4. Utilize automation as your safety net 
There is a good chance of your users missing out on these identified "Hot leads" as they can't watch out for them all day all night, to bag them before they slip through set triggers to send out chat invites when they hit your website. 
5. Gratify those "Hot leads" by routing them to the right users of your firm based on various CRM values 
Right users as in, say would you ever want to let a user of your firm who handles business deals worth 50 dollars to handle a 1000 dollar business deal? No right? Then make sure to route those "Hot leads" to the right set of users. As the more you make them feel special, the more prospective would be the bond that you share.
6. Stalk them! 
SalesIQ allows you to set follow up tasks for every other prospective lead hitting your website either manually or automatically in your Salesforce accounts, as you can't really talk everyone into buying your products in your very first strike, you have to keep striking them with deals and offers until they actually fall for good.
7. CRM values as score rules
Assign lead score values for the visitors hitting your website based on various CRM values provided by Salesforce, just to make sure that the total score of those hot Leads and Contacts sums up to a value that is reasonably good enough to place them off charts. 
Now let's see what are all the predefined CRM values available inside your SalesIQ account,
  • Salesforce CRM lead.
  • Salesforce CRM contact.
  • Salesforce CRM opportunity.
  • Visitor stage in Salesforce CRM.
How do I integrate Salesforce with my SalesIQ account?
  • Navigate through Settings -> Integrations -> Other Applications -> Salesforce
  • You will be redirected to the Salesforce website, type in the log in credentials of your Salesforce account and then click on Log in.
  • List of privileges that you would like to grant that particular SalesIQ account will be displayed, read through and click on Allow.
  • Then you will be redirected back to the Salesforce integration page in your SalesIQ account denoting successful integration of the two accounts.

Voilà ! You are good to go now ! 

Heads up !!
Do remember that to integrate Salesforce with SalesIQ you must own a paid account of the former (Or at least the developer edition) as well as the latter (You can also avail this feature during the initial 15 day trial of SalesIQ).

Don't have a Salesforce account ? Create one right away !
Find this integration cool ? Don't have a SalesIQ account ? Create one right away  !

Fond regards,