.Please someone help me with .salesiq.domain()

.Please someone help me with .salesiq.domain()


I have a domain, camisashabers.com.mx, and a subdomain, tienda.camisashabers.com.mx. I have placed the required code before the </body> tag on both the domain and subdomain, but it isn't working correctly. When a visitor moves from the domain to the subdomain, they are registered as two separate visitors.

I have been trying to resolve this issue for days and have contacted support, but I haven't been able to fix it. I am currently on a trial period, and while we are considering subscribing, this issue is a deal breaker for us if it cannot be resolved.

Every time I contact support, they give me the same explanations on how to use .salesiq.domain and nothing more. They have not been able to resolve the issue. we are hoping to get it fixed and running before the trial period expires, if not we will have to consider other chat software platform.

below is the code I've used  which I repeat pasted on both sites, on the same place.

  1. <script>window.$zoho=window.$zoho || {};$zoho.salesiq=$zoho.salesiq||{ready:function(){}}</script><script id="zsiqscript" src="https://salesiq.zohopublic.com/widget?wc=siq755d545b743959135e23e5f7541b8bb10009cb8ca32653b69386cbecf589c7ed" defer></script>
  2. <script>
  3. $zoho.salesiq.ready=function()
  4. {
  5.    $zoho.salesiq.domain("camisashabers.com.mx");
  6. }
  7. </script>