SalesIQ event posts

SalesIQ event posts

We want to push timer events from our page (video timings) to SalesIQ so we can view and track what users are doing on a page in more detail than just the URL. We want to view when they open a video, how long, etc. 


We have build the code below and had it working but then it did not work again.. seems the integraton in unsable !?

Why does it not work.. it should send a custom event when the page i loaded. The tracking part works fine and the chat window is shown as expected. 


<!DOCTYPE html>




                                            <script src="//"></script>                                       

                                            <script type="text/javascript">

                                                                 var $zoho= $zoho || {salesiq:{values:{},ready:function(){}}};var d=document;s=d.createElement("script");






                                            <script type="text/javascript">

                                                                 $(function() {



                                                                                                             $zoho.salesiq.visitor.customaction("Page LOADED at: ");




