SalesIQ JS encounters error & Chat Float does not display

SalesIQ JS encounters error & Chat Float does not display

SalesIQ was working perfectly 12 hours ago, but when i tested again today I noticed the floating "start Chat" button was not displaying, nor was the chat window.


1) I tried replacing all code in the footer (above </body> tag) for SalesIQ tracking and SalesIQ Chat
2) I moved all SalesIQ tracking and chat JS code to the header

Neither of the above options produced any change.

On further investigation via CHrome Dev Tools I noticed that htere is a JS API error happening when calling the SalesIQ Tracking.js....

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token aFloat.handlePostMessage @

At this point the outage looks like a Zoho side issue. Is there an ETA on resolution?

NOTE: Embeded Chat button does display