SalesIQ/Zobot - Cards in action/replies of operator_busy, pending, etc?

SalesIQ/Zobot - Cards in action/replies of operator_busy, pending, etc?

==> For actions like operator_busy, block, pending, and end do the replies HAVE to be only a List containing text messages, or can they contain other cards, like, articles, videos, etc ?

For example, is the following a valid action?

  1. {
  2.   "action": "pending",
  3.   "replies": [
  4.     "Sorry to keep you waiting, but generating the detailed report is taking longer than expected".,
  5.     "In the meantime, here's a quick dashboard that the system auto-generated at midnight last night.",
  6.     {
  7.       "type": "links",
  8.       "text": "Dashboard as of 11 Jan 2020, EOD",
  9.       "links": [
  10.         {
  11.           "url": "",
  12.           "text": "Dashboard as of 11 Jan 2020, EOD",
  13.           "icon": ""
  14.         }
  15.       ]
  16.     }
  17.   ]
  18. }