Save to Address Book

Save to Address Book

I am using the mobile app that sync's very well with my CRM account.
This mobile app is... Wow, for developpers' knowledge, just great because I am often in a position that makes much easier using my mobile than my portable pc and allows me to keep working, even being in my car you know.

Coming to the subject, when there is an entry phone call, my mobile ( iphone 4S) connects to the native Address book, not to Zoho App.
This means that if I want to know who is calling -  you know those 3 seconds that help you making up your mind before you answer customer's questions and requirements - I need to save the Zoho Contact info into the phone native address book, which is very easy and performant using the Save to Address Book function.

HOWEVER, this function does not save the Account related name of the Contact .
Now, unless it is already doable and I did not find the way to do it, MY QUESTION IS: would it be possible to add the Account related name to the fields that are copied to the mobile address book?
It would be a great help because very often the Contact name is not enough to identify who is calling: maybe because I have more contacts with similar names, maybe because a long time has passed since our last contact, maybe because I just can't figure out who it is and the company name could give me a  help.

Is there anybody else interested in such a feature?

Hope it can be done.

Best regards.

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