Scale up customer support and prospect engagement manifold with the Q&A Zobot!

Scale up customer support and prospect engagement manifold with the Q&A Zobot!

Every industry needs someone to answer their Q&A. Artificial Intelligence is tremendously altering business trends and Zobots, powered by AI are beginning to take over the business world and are becoming a very reliable customer service channel. Zobots have come a long way and sometimes customers cannot tell if they are communicating with a human or a computer. That's how seamless chats with Zobots have become.  If you're looking to keep your visitors engaged 24/7, the Q&A Zobot is your answer. These bots are capable of exceptional customer assistance, dynamic customer interaction, monitoring visitor data and gaining actionable insights. This post will tell you all about how the Q&A Zobot works.

Bot Requirements: 

  • Trigger a message to visitors who match specific criteria.
  • List out the services available inside the organization.

  • Schedule appointments/meetings, if necessary and store it on the Zoho Calendar.

  • Let visitors chat with representatives in the organization.

  • Create leads inside Zoho CRM

  • Create tickets and check ticket statuses inside Zoho Desk for existing customers

Zobot Capabilities: 

It can collect visitor details and connect the visitors on your website to the different departments available inside your organization based on the type of problem they're facing. 

  • Live Chat Transfer: Your prospects can ask the bot to transfer their chats to one of the support representatives of your organization at any time. The Zobot provides an option to do so inside the chat window itself.
  • Schedules meetings: The Zobot can get your visitors' company details and preferred time slots and fix meetings for them with operators of your organization using the Calendar widget.

  • Keep prospects updated: The Zobot captures the prospects' information like name and email address, and based on the requirements, it updates prospects as and when there are updates on the products/services that you offer. The info can be daily property alerts or market statistics on products.

  • Keeps track of leads: The Zobot captures the prospects' information like name and email address, and creates leads inside Zoho CRM.

  • Creates tickets in Desk: If the customer is an existing one, the Zobot creates tickets for customers who are facing issues with any product/service and keeps them informed about the ticket status as well.

  • Sends update emails:  If the visitor is new to the website and is eager to know more about the products and services that you offer, it gets the visitor's email, adds them to the mailing list and sends him emails when there are updates or releases.

How does this Zobot work? 

  • When a visitor lands on the website and matches the trigger criteria, the bot will trigger a welcome message along with the main menu.
  • Once the bot receives a message from the website visitor, the message handler starts executing where visitors are reactively engaged. All questions from the visitor are handled in the Message Handler.  
  • The combination of messages received from the website visitor will be analysed and stored in the code in the context handler, and the bot will respond to the visitors based on the question they receive from the available answers. The Context handler is also where all the necessary connections are created and invoked. The following are the connections inside the Q&A bot:  

Connection 1 - Zoho Calendar

To keep track of visitor appointments

  1. // Event Creation
  2. paramMap = {'StartDate':_date,"EndDate":_date,"sum":'Call with ' + name};
  3. zoho.calendar.createEvent("zillium.pboyle",paramMap); 

Connection 2 - Zoho CRM

To create new leads

  1. // Create new lead
  2. leadinfo = {"Last_Name":name,"Email":email};
  3. zoho.crm.createRecord("Leads",leadinfo,Map(),"zoho_crm");

Connection 3 - Zoho Desk 

To create new tickets for issues and check the status of existing issues 

  1. // Create new ticket
  2. ticketinfo ="Requests","zillium","Zylker",{"Contact Name":name,"Email":email,"Subject":complaint,"Priority":priority});
  3. ticketid = ticketinfo.get("id");
  4. response.put("action","end");
  5. response.put("replies",{"Your request has been logged and you will hear from us shortly. The request id is " + ticketid + ". Please quote this id in any future followup."});

  6. // Check ticket status 
  7. requestId = answers.get("ticketId").get("text"); 
  8. records ="Requests","zillium","Zylker"); 
  9. finalOutput = ""; 
  10. info records; 

Bot Flow:


How to create this bot? 

  • Navigate to Settings > Zobot > Create bot. Add a name, description, choose the website and preferred departments.
  • Set trigger criteria and enable business hours and operator handoff based on your requirements.
  • Now, copy the code and paste it inside each handler- Trigger, Message, and Context.
  • Save the script in all the handlers and then publish the bot and it will be ready to assist visitors on your website.
Here's a quick and brief video on how this Zobot works. Jump right into our Resources Section and learn more about the Zobot.

Happy Zoboting!
