

I need help creating a simple and easy scheduling zoho creator App. I already started it, but I cannot continue since I do not understand zoho fully. Basically: It is a web app to set appointments to doctors. It shall retrieve info from 3 tables: doctors, specialties and free date/time each doctor has one or more specialty each specialy may have more than one doctor (I already created a table for doctor names, another table for specialty names, and a third table for doctors vs specialty) each doctor may have a different free schedule like: tuesdays afternoons, monday morning, etc or specific date/time when setting appointment, it could be by specialty (if patient does not know the doctor name) or by doctor name. after selecting this first option, it should be able to select date and time regarding this doctor agenda then it should write his name, phone, email and press send, to send an email with this info

Budget : $200 | Duration : 2 days

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