Scoring responses in survey

Scoring responses in survey

Our survey uses the typical Strongly Disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly Agree, scale for most questions.  I have currently been able to assign scores of Zero, 1,2,3,4 to those statements however only if the actual numbers appear alongside the possible responses of agree etc.  Can the attributed scores for each response not be hidden and simply used by the system to create the averages, range etc?

In addition I would like to score both "Strongly disagree" and "Disagree" as Zero, with neutral as 1, agree as 2 and strongly agree as 3, but that does not seem to be possible?

Lastly, it is common in statistics for scores to be forced apart for instance, zero, 30, 50, 70, 90, as this crates a wider spread of scores and allows more detailed statistical analysis.  I assume a completely customisable scoring like that is not possible?

If these issues are not possible as things stand at the moment, could they be included in subsequent updates as they are pretty standard in the other survey tools I have used.