Search CRM custom module by date field
Hi folks,
I am attempting to create a deluge script that will search a custom CRM module (Publishing) for all records where the Publishing_Date field is set to specific date.
My code is as follows:
// fetch all publishing module records for the Month and Year
searchDateString = concat("Publishing:Publishing_Date:is:",TargetPublishingDate);
pubList = zoho.crm.searchRecords("Publishing",searchDateString);
info "date ";
info searchdatestring;
info "Publishing List Returned";
info pubList;
When testing this code, I get the following output.
- Publishing:Publishing_Date:is:2020-03-01
- Publishing List Returned
- {"code":"INVALID_QUERY","details":{"reason":"the field is not available for search","api_name":"Publishing"},"message":"invalid query formed","status":"error"}
I do not seem to be able to search on the date field in that module. Is it possible to search a customer module based on a date field, or my code just broken?
Best regards,