Seeking to Hire Zoho Creator Developer

Seeking to Hire Zoho Creator Developer

Hello Zoho Creator Community, 

I am the VP of Operations of a service company with field engineers who work on utility-scale Renewable Energy power plants across the US. We are seeking to hire a Zoho creator developer to help us migrate to our own native mobile application built on Zoho Creator. We currently use Google forms to capture data from the front line (service reports, timecards, mileage reports, and expense reports). With each form submission, it adds the data to specific google sheets, creates a PDF stored in google drive, and sends an email summary of the from data with the PDF attached. Conditional logic also adds a PDF to a customer's google drive folder based on the drop down of each customer. Everything is project based and all process flows are defined and mapped out. 

Everything is working great with google app script and we are happy with the system, but we would like offline capabilities and our own native app. I would consider the google system a "proof of concept" and not a fully functional system. We have an internal IT team, but they are unfamiliar with deluge so we would like to hire a Zoho expert to streamline the implementation.