Sending and Tracking Text Mesages to Contacts/Leads

Sending and Tracking Text Mesages to Contacts/Leads

Now, in 2017, I am quite surprised that Zoho CRM has almost NO support for SMS/Text messages.  The only feature I found is that one can send Text message to Contacts or Leads via the Mobile app.  And, that is it.

There is no support to track text messages or to associate incoming text messages to/from contacts or leads.  It could easily be part of Activities, but it is Not available.

Do other customers of Zoho not send text messages in today's world to their contacts or leads, and get replies back?

Can a Zoho staff member update if such a feature is in planning or development stage?  It is sorely needed.


      • Sticky Posts

      • Tip #3: Use Check-in to geo-tag your client visits instantly

        Hello everyone!We are back with a new tip for this week. In case you missed our previous tip on layout based conversion mapping, you can read about it here. This week's tip goes out to all the sales reps and sales managers out there.  Tip #3: Use Check-in to geo-tag your client visits instantly  Done with your client visit? Yay!  But wait, here comes your next bit of boring yet important things that you do: Call your sales manager and inform him/her that you are done with the meeting. Create/update