Sendmail function- customise Attachments ?

Sendmail function- customise Attachments ?

I have the following creator sendmail function working-

  1. sendmail
  2. [
  3. from :zoho.adminuserid
  4. to :EmailTo
  5. subject :emailSubject
  6. message :""
  7. Attachments :template:Staff_Setup_Template:Employee_Setup_Forms recordid as inline
  8. ]

But I want this function to work with a few more inputs. You can't actually use variables in the Sendmail function, but I have seen some people say it is possible, and I have the subject line working- it is made like this-

  1. emailSubject = calculatedAccountName + " " + TaskType + "-" + newEmployeeFirstName + " " + newEmployeeLastName;

But I can't get the Attachments line to work. This expression DOES produce the correct output-

  1. attachList = "template:" + EmailTemplate + ":" + "Employee_Setup_Forms" + " " + "recordid as inline";

but it won't save when in the Sendmail function like this-

  1. sendmail
  2. [
  3. from :zoho.adminuserid
  4. to :EmailTo
  5. subject :emailSubject
  6. message :""
  7. Attachments :attachList
  8. ]

Any ideas please?