Idea for sharing a Form - Changing FROM Field
I'd like to see the implementation that the FROM field be generated by whomever may be logged and completes the form.
Our current use of the form has site managers completing daily work orders from all job sites they are working that day. They fill in the form, submit it and it gets emailed to those who are subscribed with the service, that works fine. The problem is I don't want to see my email address as the form submitter, I'd much rather see who logged in and completed the form.
The only way I'm getting around it was by making the exact form over and over again for each person that logs in to submit these daily job submissions, so when I make a change for one user, I have to make it for all the others by logging in and out of each additional user and modifying the form.
So to sum up, sharing the form works great but if the FROM field can be based on the person that is logged in and completing the form that would be great. I'd also like that notification/form submission email be sent to them too so they could see what they submitted.