Sheet Error

Sheet Error

When I am trying to login to zoho sheet, webpage shows as below. I reported this error befor and tried deleter some zoho account as per your suggestions. Now I am still stucked here. I would be very grateful if you could help me out of the issue.


zoho id: zhumingca


var jsMsg=eval(({Localize: "Localize", StackBar1003D: "Stack Bar 100% 3D", isSharedToFollowingUsers: "is shared to following users", Cancel: "Cancel", embedThisInWebpageCopyAndPasteSnippet: "To embed this in your web page, copy and paste the following HTML snippet", LastCreated: "Last Created", GNumericSpreadsheet: "Gnumeric Spreadsheet", CopyingSheet: "Copying Sheet", PublishtoDomain: "Publish to {0}", Sheet: "Sheet", ScatterLineDesc: "Scatter with data points connected by lines without markers.", OrgGroup: "Organization Group", Remove: "Remove", Update: "Update", OHLCDesc: "(Open-High-Low-Close) Requires four series of values in this order.", ViewDefinedNames: "View Defined Names", Scatter: "Scatter", RestoreAll: "Restore All", InviteMoreUsersFor: "Invite more users for", StackBar100: "Stack Bar 100%", RemoveHyperlink: "Remove Hyperlink", All: "All", WhatsNew: "What's New", ZohoWiki: "Zoho Wiki", Actions: "Actions", Bar3DDesc: "Bar with a 3-D visual effect.", EditComment: "Edit Comment", CaseSensitive: "Case sensitive", Column3DDesc: "Column with a 3-D visual effect.", Nodocuments: "0 Documents", StackedColumn3D: "Stacked Column 3D", areCurrentlyEditingDocument: "are currently editing the document", MintBlue: "Mint Blue", URL: "URL", registering: "registering", Rename: "Rename", LocalPhraseIsEmptyEnterValue: "Local Phrase is Empty, enter value.", isCurrentlyEditingDocument: "is currently editing the document", SetPermission: "Set Permission", rows: "rows", CorianderGreen: "Coriander Green", LocalPhrase: "Local Phrase", EnterDiscussionRoom: "Enter Discussion Room", NotifyChangesViaEmail: "Notify Changes Via Email", NamethisCellRange: "Name this Cell/Range", CopyHighlightedContentBelow: "Copy the highlighted content below. ", PublishThisCell: "Publish this Cell", Sum: "Sum", OrgUser: "Org User", Tuesday: "Tuesday", ClickHereToInvite: "Click here to invite", hasRemovedSpreadsheetSharedToYou: "has removed the spreadsheet shared to you, named", UpdatingComments: "Updating Comments", PolarDesc: "Data points are plotted in polar coordinates. Each point is defined in terms of its distance from the centre of a circle.", MyGroups: "My Groups", Loading: "Loading", Members: "Members", to: "to", Delete: "Delete", MakePublic: "Make Public", Updating: "Updating", IntranetBlogSite: "Intranet Blog/Site", groups: "groups", Cut: "Cut", Sharedtome: "Shared to me", ShowPublishedRanges: "Show Published Ranges", SelectAll: "Select All", ClearFormatting: "Clear Formatting", StackedBar: "Stacked Bar", RemovePublic: "Remove Public", OHLC: "OHLC", User: "User", InsertImage: "Insert Image", EmptyTrash: "Empty Trash", StackCol1003DDesc: "100% Stacked Column with a 3-D visual effect.", MSExcelWorkbook: "MS Excel Workbook", Published: "Published", EnterViewTitle: "Enter View Title", DisableSharing: "Disable Sharing", Nogroupswithyou: "No groups with you", NamesDefined: "names defined", Recalculating: "Recalculating", InsertColumnBefore: "Insert Column Before", Blogs: "Blogs", RenderingCharts: "Rendering Charts", EnterEmailIdsOrGroupNamesSeparatedByComma: "Enter email ids or group names separated by comma", Bar: "Bar", LinkExternalData: "Link External Data", ClickHereToOpen: "Click here to open", PasswordsDoesntMatch: "Passwords doesn't match", Nouserhassharedwithyou: "No user has shared with you", ZohoWriter: "Zoho Writer", AZ: "A-Z", InsertColumnAfter: "Insert Column After", Sharedtomygroup: "Shared to my group", LocaleIdIs: "Locale id is", ViewVersionHistory: "View Version History", ExportAs: "Export As", Group: "Group", WrapText: "Wrap Text", ZA: "Z-A", Chat: "Chat", MoveThisSheet: "Move This Sheet", Publish: "Publish", Edit: "Edit", Area: "Area", OpenOfficeSpreadsheet: "Open Office Spreadsheet", StackedBar3D: "Stacked Bar 3D", ListOptions: "List options", Thenby: "Then by", Duplicate: "Duplicate", Insert: "Insert", InsertRowBelow: "Insert Row Below", ZohoNotebook: "Zoho Notebook", WrongConfigurationValidationMethod: "Wrong configuration.The validation method", FileNotCopied: "File Not Copied", hasChangedPermissionFrom: "has changed the permission from", below: "below", ZohoCRM: "Zoho CRM", UpdatingFormulas: "Updating Formulas", OpenDocumentSpreadsheet: "OpenDocument Spreadsheet", hasOpenedDocumentForEditing: "has opened the document for editing", StackCol1003D: "Stack Col 100% 3D", ScatterLineMarkersDesc: "Scatter with data points connected by lines.", USDollar: "US Dollar", NoGroups: "No Groups", MakePublicwithinOrganization: "Make Public within Organization", Forums: "Forums", Sort: "Sort", EditHyperlink: "Edit Hyperlink", GroupName: "Group Name", MetallicGrey: "Metallic Grey", Import: "Import", PDFDocument: "PDF Document", ContainsHeader: "Contains header", Height: "Height", ZohoMeeting: "Zoho Meeting", Run: "Run", Pie: "Pie", Help: "Help", XMLFile: "XML File", WithinOrg: "With in Organization", TranslationTool: "Translation Tool", ComparesContributionAcrossCategories: "Compares the contribution of each value to a total across categories.", ViewPivotReportsList: "View Pivot Reports List", Owner: "Owner", Orientation: "Orientation", hasOpenedDocument: "has opened the document, named", CancelSharing: "Cancel Sharing", CreatedDateAscending: "Created Date Ascending", ScatterDesc: "Compares pairs of values.", StepDesc: "Line chart where data points are connected by steps instead of straight lines.", Saving: "Saving", PublishtoExternalWorld: "Publish to External World", unregistered: "unregistered", PieDesc: "Displays the contribution of each value to a total.", Sharing: "Sharing", URLToNavigate: "URL to navigate", hasAddedComment: "has added a comment", SharetheDocuments: "Share Documents", XHTMLDocument: "XHTML Document", Hyperlink: "Hyperlink", ReadOnly: "Read Only", JapaneseYen: "Japanese Yen", NoSearchResults: "NO SEARCH RESULTS", Running: "Running...", ZohoDB: "Zoho DB & Reports", ModifiedDateDescending: "Modified Date Descending", Pie3D: "Pie 3D", SampleMacros: "Sample Macros", InsertComment: "Insert Comment", CreatePivotReport: "Create Pivot Report", Column3D: "Column 3D", ZohoShow: "Zoho Show", TextToDisplay: "Text to display", LastModified: "Last Modified", ManageExternalData: "Manage External Data", EmbedIn: "Embed In", Tags: "Tags", ZohoChat: "Zoho Chat", Online: "Online", CellNamecannotstartwithnumbers: "Cell Name cannot start with numbers and/or should not contain any special characters", PublicSheets: "Public Sheets", row: "row", ZohoCreator: "Zoho Creator", Descending: "Descending", CandleStick: "Candle Stick", Share: "Share", CopyEmailAddress: "Copy Email Address", CellNamecannotbeassameasZohoSheetdefinedcelllabels: "Cell Name format cannot be as same as Zoho Sheet defined cell labels", FormatCells: "Format Cells", BubbleDesc: "Compares sets of 3 values. Like a scatter chart with the third value displayed as the size of the bubble marker.", WithinOrganization: "With in Organization", SampleSheets: "Sample Sheets", ChineseYuan: "Chinese Yuan", ModifiedDateAscending: "Modified Date Ascending", PublishThisRange: "Publish this Range", SortTopToBottom: "Sort top to bottom", VBAEditor: "VBA Editor", ClearContents: "Clear Contents", Width: "Width", RevertToThisVersion: "Revert to this Version", ComparesPercentageAcrossCategories: "Compares the percentage each value contributes to a total across categories.", SpiderWeb: "Spider Web", SheetBased: "Sheet Based", CreatePivotTable: "Create Pivot Table", ShareThisSheet: "Share This Sheet", HTMLDocument: "HTML Document", column: "column", ToRevertBackClickRevertPublish: "To revert back, click 'Revert Publish'.", isSharedToFollowingMembers: "is shared to following members", CreateGroup: "Create Group", AddNewName: "Add New Name", Chart: "Chart", forEditing: "for Editing", MyAccount: "My Account", Euro: "Euro", RevertPublish: "Revert Publish", EmbedInWebsiteBlog: "Embed in Website/Blog", Step: "Step", useCtrlCDirectlyToCopyToClipboard: "You can also use Ctrl+C directly in the spreadsheet to copy to your clipboard.", TabSeparatedValues: "Tab Separated Values", ManageGroups: "Manage Groups", mailto: "mailto", AreaDesc: "Displays the trend of values over time or categories.", WhatIsMacro: "What is a Macro?", EditSharedDetails: "Edit Shared Details", ViewPublicURL: "View Public URL", August: "August", UpdatingWebdata: "Updating Webdata", Refersto: "Refers to", InvalidName: "Invalid Name", Restore: "Restore", ExternalBlogSite: "External Blog/Site", RecalculatingFormulas: "Recalculating Formulas", Pivot: "Pivot", Sheet1SharedToFollowingMembers: "'Sheet1' is shared to following members", CreateNewGroup: "Create New Group", ViewInternallyPublishedURL: "View Internally Published URL", Aug: "Aug", SaveAsNewDocument: "Save As New Document", hasSharedSpreadsheetToYou: "has shared a spreadsheet to you, named", offline: "offline", isNotLoaded: "is not loaded", PublishThisRangeIn: "Publish this Range In", StackedBar3DDesc: "Stacked Bar with a 3-D visual effect.", Invite: "Invite", ComparesValuesAcrossCategories: "Compares values across categories.", Hide: "Hide", CopyThisSheet: "Copy This Sheet", StackedArea: "Stacked Area", Invalid: "Invalid", CreateNewMacro: "Create New Macro", AllGroups: "All Groups", ShareSelectedDocuments: "Share Selected Documents", CommaSeparatedValues: "Comma Separated Values", Polar: "Polar", CopyLinkLocation: "Copy Link Location", Sending: "Sending", StackedColumn: "Stacked Column", Offline: "Offline", MarkAsNewVersion: "Mark As New Version", None: "None", NamethisRange: "Name this Range", CandleStickDesc: "Same as OHLC chart but displays series in candle stick style.", ViewPublishedURL: "View Published URL", EditReference: "Edit Reference", UserContributedMacros: "User Contributed Macros", Save: "Save", DeleteColumn: "Delete Column", columns: "columns", ScatterLineMarkers: "Scatter Line Markers", KeyboardShortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts", LineMarkersDesc: "Line with markers displayed at each data value.", isPubliclyAvailableNow: "is publicly available now.", DeleteThisVersion: "Delete this Version", CancelPublic: "Cancel Public", ZohoProjects: "Zoho Projects", Ascending: "Ascending", documentSharedToFollowingMembers: "This document is shared to following members", SortBy: "Sort by", before: "before", SortLeftToRight: "Sort left to right", isInZoho: "is in Zoho", hasDeletedSpreadsheetSharedToYou: "has deleted the spreadsheet shared to you, named", StackedColumn3DDesc: "Stacked Column with a 3-D visual effect.", hasClosedDocument: "has closed the document", CreatedDateDescending: "Created Date Descending", MoveToTrash: "Move to Trash", LineMarkers: "Line Markers", EmailidGroupName: "Email ID / Group Name", VBAObjectExplorer: "VBA Object Explorer", forTheDocumentNamed: "for the document named", Bubble: "Bubble", WithinOrgDomain: "With in {0}", NoSharedUser: "No Shared User", Column: "Column", PleaseEnterValid: "Please enter a valid", StackBar1003DDesc: "100% Stacked Bar with a 3-D visual effect.", NewFeatures: "New Features", PickFromList: "Pick from list", CreatePivotChart: "Create Pivot Chart", MyPublicDocuments: "My Public Documents", Export: "Export", VBAProgramming: "VBA Programming", Bar3D: "Bar 3D", ZohoPlanner: "Zoho Planner", InsertRowAbove: "Insert Row Above", signingIn: "signing in", DeselectAll: "Deselect All", ScatterLine: "Scatter Line", ViewGroupMembers: "View Group Members", ZohoVirtualOffice: "Zoho Virtual Office", Copy: "Copy", ViewCode: "View Code", Pleasewaittoedit: "Please wait to edit", NotifyAuthor: "Notify Author", Viewing: "Viewing", above: "above", CopyToClipboard: "Copy to Clipboard", Namecannotbeempty: "Name cannot be empty.", Pie3DDesc: "Pie with a 3-D visual effect.", LineDesc: "Displays trend over time or categories.", ReadWrite: "Read / Write", Saveacopyforme: "Save a copy for me", Rangecannotbeempty: "Range cannot be empty.", ToExternalWorld: "To External World", BritishPound: "British Pound", Macros: "Macros", PublishtoOrganization: "Publish to Organization", SpiderWebDesc: "Displays changes in values relative to center point.", StackedAreaDesc: "Displays the trend of the contribution of each value over time or categories.", RemoveSharing: "Remove Sharing", after: "after", Line: "Line", EncounteredError: "Encountered error :", DeleteRow: "Delete Row", DefinedNames: "Defined Names", online: "online", NotifySharedUsers: "Notify Shared Users", StackCol100: "Stack Col 100%", Search: "Search", SharedByMe: "Shared by Me", EmbedinBlogSite: "Embed in Blog/Site", Paste: "Paste", RemoveComment: "Remove Comment", IndianRupee: "Indian Rupee", NamethisCell: "Name this Cell"})); var jsTitleMsg=eval(({nMessages: "{0} Messages", ZohoDBURL: "", FormatCells: "FormatCells", InvalidName: "Invalid Name", CanShareOnlytoGroupandMembers: "You can Share only to your Group / Group Members.", Owner: "Owner", DeleteFromTrash: "Delete from trash", TheContentCopiedIsBigger: "The content copied is bigger than the range selected.", Untitled: "Untitled", SelectDifferentRow: "Select a different row", Modified: "Modified", DoYouWantToExpandSelection: "Do you want to expand the selection?", AreYouSureToMerge: "Are you sure you want to merge?", ThereArePublishedCellRangesInThis: "There are published cell ranges in this spreadsheet.", AreYouSureToDeleteMacro: "Are you sure you want to delete the macro '{0}'?", EmbedToWebsiteBlog: "Embed To Website Blog", EmbedwithinDomain: "Embed within {0}", SelectDifferentColumn: "Select a different column", RowHeight: "Row Height", InvalidEmailID: "Invalid Email ID", SheetNameExsist: "The sheet name already exists, Give another name", ViewPublicURL: "View Public URL", AreYouSureToRemovePublishedRange: "Are you sure you want to remove this published range?", AreYouSureToDeleteColumns: "Are you sure you want to delete the selected column(s)?", ColumnWidth: "Column Width", CellNamecannotstartwithnumbers: "Cell Name cannot start with numbers and/or should not contain any special characters", EnterSheetName: "Enter Sheet Name", CannotRunWhenCurrentPT: "Cannot run macro when the active sheet is a pivot table", ShowLabelPercent: "Show label and percent", PleaseSaveDocumentBeforeAddTags: "Please save the document before you add tags", NamesList: "Names List", Kindlyselectatleastonegroup: "Kindly select at least one group", ReplaceAll: "Replace All", permissionToDeleteAVersion: "You do not have permission to delete a version this document", PublishedRanges: "Published Ranges", CannotRunWhenCurrentPC: "Cannot run macro when the active sheet is a pivot chart", CanShareOnlytoGroupOwner: "You can Share only to your Group Owner.", OperationNotPermitted: "You are not Permitted to do this Operation", ThereAreNoSheets: "There are no sheets", AllowedSheetName: "Sheet Name can contain only alphanumeric characters, space and underscore ( _ ) ", DoYouWantToReloadIt: "Do you want to reload it?", KindlyReopenFileAndTryAgain: "Kindly reopen the file and try again.", USDollar: "US Dollar", UnableToImportSelectedDocument: "Unable to import the selected document", ZohoChatURL: "", Goto: "Go To", nWarning: "{0} Warning", DuplicateDocumentNameAlert: "A document exists with same name. Specify a different name.", Personallyshared: "Personally shared", PublishChart: "Publish Chart", TheDocumentHasUnsavedSheet: "The document has unsaved sheet.", Messages: "Messages", None: "None", Sheet: "Sheet", ZohoSheet: "Zoho Sheet", DoYouWantToDeleteTheSelectedDocuments: "Do you want to delete the selected documents?", ZeroMessages: "0 Messages", MakePublic: "Make Public", UserhasModifiedTheModule: "{0} modified the module '{1}'.", CopyThisSheet: "Copy This Sheet", EditCommentIn: "Edit comment in", JapaneseYen: "Japanese Yen", InvalidSheetName: "Invalid sheet name", CannotPasteIntoMergedCell: "Cannot Paste into a merged cell", ReadOnly: "Read Only", NoResultsFound: "No Results Found", CopyToClipboard: "Copy To Clipboard", DoYouReallyWantToMoveToTrash: "Do you really want to move this document to trash?", ChineseYuan: "Chinese Yuan", ShowBubbleSize: "Show bubble sizes", nError: "{0} Error", Import: "Import", KindlySaveAndContinue: "Kindly Save and Continue.", AreYouSureToDeleteRows: "Are you sure you want to delete the selected row(s)?", NotifySharedUsers: "Notify Shared Users", ShareThisDocument: "Share This Document", nWarnings: "{0} Warnings", CancelPublic: "Cancel Public", TheSelectedSheetDeletedPermanently: "The selected sheet will be deleted permanently.", NoRangesPublishedFromThisSheet: "No ranges published from this Sheet", YouAreNotAuthorizedUserToMakeDocPublic: "You are not the authorized user to make this document as public", Replace: "Replace", FindNext: "Find Next", SearchFor: "Search For", Thisimageisbeingusedinoneormoreofyourspreadsheets: "This image is being used in one or more of your spreadsheets.", EnterEmailIdsOrGroupNamesSeparatedByComma: "Enter email ids or group names separated by comma", EnableEvents: "Enable events", Nodocuments: "0 Documents", Messageshouldnotexceed400characters: "Message should not exceed 400 characters.", Actions: "Actions", Errors: "Errors", ShareThisSpreadsheet: "Share This Spreadsheet", EncounteredErrorLN: "Encountered error at line {0} :", Namecannotbeempty: "Name cannot be empty.", documentMustContainAtleastOneSheet: "A document must contain at least one visible sheet", PublicDocument: "Public Document", ProblemUpdatingDetails: "Exception while updating Configuration details", MergingIntoOneCellKeepUpperLeftData: "Merging into one cell will keep the upper-left most data only.", MatchCase: "Match Case", PleaseSaveSheetAndContinue: "Please save the sheet and continue sharing.", DoYouWantToInsertAnyway: "Do you want to insert anyway?", ExternalDataDetails: "External Data Details", WholeDocument: "Whole Document", SharedTo: "Shared To", EnterDocumentName: "Enter Document Name", version: "version", ProcedureNameCannotBeEmpty: "Procedure Name cannot be empty", EmbedwithinOrganization: "Embed within Organization", Change: "Change", DoYouWantToSaveTheChanges: "Do you want to save the changes you made to", OK: "OK", MacroNameAlreadyExists: "Macro Name already exists", EncounteredErrorLNCN: "Encountered error at line {0}, column {1} :", RenameWhilePublish: "If you want to rename this document before publishing, you can do it below", MacroNameStartWithMsg: "Macro Name should start with an alphabetical character", AreYouSureToEmptyTrash: "Are you sure you want to empty Trash?", DocumentsShared: "The selected documents have been shared.", Delete: "Delete", Close: "Close", TheSharedUserIsRunningMacro: "The shared user {0} is currently running the macro '{1}'.", Warnings: "Warnings", ErrorOccurredContact: "Error Occurred. Contact -", StartCellCannotBeEmpty: "Start Cell cannot be Empty.", Empty: "Empty", ZeroWarnings: "0 Warnings", PleaseSelectLanguageInvitationMail: "Please select the proper language to send the invitation mail", SaveAndContinue: "Save and Continue.", ErrorOccurred: "Error Occurred", Selectanimagetoinsert: "Select an image to insert", GotoCell: "Go To Cell", PleaseEnterAnInteger: "Please enter an integer", MakePublicwithinOrganization: "Make Public within Organization", Run: "Run", ShowValue: "Show value", ExportLimit: "You can export only up to 10 documents at a time", UserHasBeenInsertedNewMacro: "{0} added a new macro '{1}' in Macros Module", SheetBased: "Sheet Based", groups: "groups", EnterEmailIdsSeparatedByComma: "Enter email ids separated by comma", RevertPublishModeForThisChart: "Revert Publish mode for this Chart", Clickcanceltocontinuewithcurrentselection: "Click Cancel if you want to continue with the current selection.", AllGroups: "All Groups", Permission: "Permission", ProcedureNameStartWithMsg: "Procedure Name should start with an alphabetical character", ZohoCreatorURL: "", PleaseSelectLanguageNotificationMail: "Please select the proper language to send the notification mail", ManageGroups: "Manage Groups", MoveToTrash: "Move to trash", SpecifyValidRangeToUpdate: "Specify a valid range to Update", Add: "Add", ProcedureNameCannotContainMsg: "Procedure Name cannot contain spaces and special characters except underscore '_'", YouAreNotAuthorizedUser: "You are not the authorized user", RefreshthePageAndTryAgain: "Kindly refresh the page and try again", Search: "Search", VersionHistory: "Version History", ZohoShowURL: "", DoYouWantToContinueReversion: "Do you want to continue reversion?", ToDeleteSelectedSheetClickOK: "To delete the selected sheet, click OK.", InvalidCellReference: "Invalid cell reference", Macros: "Macros", ViewMembers: "View Members", SaveAs: "Save As", AreYouSureToRemoveSharedDocument: "Are you sure you want to remove this shared document?", ProblemParsingConfFile: "Problem While parsing config File", NoMacrosFound: "No macros found", ZohoCRMURL: "", SortingNotPossibleInMergedCellrange: "Sorting is not possible in the merged cellrange", ShowPercent: "Show percent", ReadWriteB: "Read Write", versionDocumentWillDeleted: "version of the document will be deleted.", ZohoPlannerURL: "", ZohoProjectsURL: "", LabelValuedoesnotExist: "The cell reference you have entered is not valid", DoYouWantToSaveChanges: "Do you want to save the changes?", KindlyCheckTheDataURL: "Kindly check the data URL", IndianRupee: "Indian Rupee", WarningMsg: "All events are disabled, therefore, any script written for spreadsheet objects will not be executed", permissionToRevertDocument: "You do not have permission to revert this document", Kindlyselectatleastonecontact: "Kindly select at least one contact", SortByBoxShouldNotBlank: "The first Sort by box should not be blank", PublishedChart: "Published Chart", ShowLabel: "Show label", UserGroupConfigAlert: "You are about to configure User / Group settings", SheetNameShouldContain: "Sheet name should contain only alphanumerics, underscores and spaces.", SelectAValidFile: "Select a valid file", InsertCommentfor: "Insert comment for", SearchTextCannotBeEmpty: "Search text cannot be empty", SpecifyValidSheetName: "Specify a valid sheet name", PleaseEnterEmailAddress: "Please enter email address", Areyousurewanttodeletethisimage: "Are you sure you want to delete this image?", SortRow: "Row", MakePublicwithinDomain: "Make Public within {0}", InsertFunction: "Insert Function", ThereAreNoSheetsSharedToYou: "There are no sheets shared to you", Clickoktoexpand: "Click OK if you want to expand the selection.", AreYouSureToRestoreTrash: "Do you want to restore all the documents in Trash?", Youcanshareonlyupto20usersatatime: "You can share only up to 20 users at a time.", Insert: "Insert", CannotFindSearch: "Cannot find '{0}'", ReadWrite: "Read / Write", NotifyChangesViaEmail: "Notify Changes Via Email", ProblemInConfiguringWebData: "Problem in configuring WebData. ", GoToLineNo: "Go to {0}", CellNamecannotbeassameasZohoSheetdefinedcelllabels: "Cell Name format cannot be as same as Zoho Sheet defined cell labels", Wecurrentlydonotsupportfiles: "We currently do not support {0} files.", CreateNewMacro: "Create New Macro", permissionToVersionDocumentMsg: "You do not have permission to version this document", SharedtoGroup: "Shared to Group", LineNo: "Line :{0}", ZohoWriterURL: "", TheDocumentWillRevertedTo: "The document will be reverted to the ", InvalidImageLocation: "Invalid Image Location", ExternalDataDialog: "External Data Dialog", EditChart: "Edit Chart", PublishRange: "Publish Range", SortColumn: "Column", EditExternalData: "Edit External Data", VersionDescription: "Version description", BritishPound: "British Pound", Hide: "Hide", ConfigUpdateFromConfFile: "The configuration will be updated as per the details given in the conf file", MembershipStatus: "Membership Status", CannotRunWhenCurrentTS: "Cannot run macro when the active sheet is a tabular sheet", PleaseProvideValidDataurl: "Please provide a valid dataurl.", AddChart: "Add Chart", SetPermission: "Set Permission", Subjectshouldnotexceed100characters: "Subject should not exceed 100 characters.", InsertImage: "Insert Image", MacroNameCannotBeEmpty: "Macro Name cannot be empty", BlogsURL: "", PleaseEnterValidEmailAddress: "Please enter a valid email address", MoveThisSheet: "Move This Sheet", PleaseSelectAtleastOneTable: "Please select at least one table.", RegExp: "Regular Expressions", nMatchesReplaced: "{0} matches replaced", Members: "Members", DeletingN

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