Sheets: Tags, labels or multiple pick list items in a cell

Sheets: Tags, labels or multiple pick list items in a cell

Is there a way to list multiple items (tags, labels, etc.) from a picklist or similar tool into a cell?

I am doing a repetitive step during an audit/reconciliation process of having to manually write in different nomenclatures on multiple lines for multiple spreadsheets. A pick list doesn't work because it only allows you to enter one labels. In my case, there can be anywhere from 1-4 labels out of a list of 20 items that I need to reference in the cell. It's like I need a label list that I can select the 1-4 labels that I need for that specific line. The combo is always different, so setting up all the combinations and searching those doesn't make sense either.... Can anyone think of a way to achieve this in Zoho Sheets?

I included a screen shot of another software that allows multiple labels to be selected in a cell. This is just an example of what I am trying to achieve, I may have one, two, or more per cell.  Thanks.