Shipping with UPS & Shipment Export Data

Shipping with UPS & Shipment Export Data

So for a few years now we have tried to get UPS to work for us, we managed to get a few test labels printed but modifying the address was very tricky as you have to use the UPS state, province, country codes and changing our customer database to this is not an option for the scale of customers we have.

We then turned to UPS for a solution and we have a near perfect solution which was to export the shipment data from Zoho and import this to UPS WorldShip. This works! As we can translate our data into a format it understands with United Kingdom = GB and so on... which worldship handles for us automatically!

The dispointment comes for customer shipment updates as Zoho Inventory doesn't export the customers email address, there isn't a courier service that won't ask for this information! When I contacted Zoho they basically said nope we have no plans to include this which was disappointing for us being so close to a solution and to be stone walled again!

If you ship with UPS how do you do it? Do you use the Zoho to UPS addon/API or do you do what we are doing? Or something different?