Shopify Interface - New UK VAT rules on shipping

Shopify Interface - New UK VAT rules on shipping

Following a recent update on Shopify to meet the UK VAT regulations on shipping, all orders with a VAT inclusive item and shipping are failing on the Shopify interface.

You get the following error:
There is a mismatch between the tax total calculated in Zoho Inventory and the tax total from the saleschannel. Please contact for further assistance.

With the new legislation shipping tax is calculated on the percentage of VAT inclusive products as a percent of the whole order, which effectively the rate is constantly based upon the lines on the orders.

At the moment this means that any orders with a VAT item on, cannot be brought across from Shopify.

The only solution I can think off is for Zoho to somehow set the 'Shipping_Charge_Tax' element to the same value as the shipping charge tax amount in Shopify, but I'm not sure how to do this as the validation is done by the Zoho Shopify interface.

Just wondered if someone else has just woken up to this problem?

