Shopify orders & New items not syncing over to Zoho Inventory

Shopify orders & New items not syncing over to Zoho Inventory

Dear Support,

Hope you are well!

I am having an issue with shopify orders & new items from shopify not syncing over to Zoho Inventory for the past few days i have come to a point that this is going to stop my business and cant have this persisting any longer. I have spoke to the person in the chat but have got the same response that the developer are working on this for nearly 4/5 days.

To be honest this is coming to a point that it is unacceptable as im trying to run a serious business here and im going to get totally stuck. I need answers and this issue to be fix ASAP i cannot wait another day. (we have 1000's of items that are synced and orders coming in and need to get back to business)

Please i need a solution now!