Showing the map along with mileage expense

Showing the map along with mileage expense

When you use the GPS to track mileage, it shows you the map of the actual path travelled.

It would be very useful and practical to save that map with the mileage expense, so that when the report is created, it provides a map of each mileage expense associated with it, just like you get a copy of the image of each receipt that you create.

Is this possible to do with the app, and if not, is this something that could be implemented?  This would be a massive added value for companies to be able to validate what path was actually driven, rather than just a mileage number that has to be assumed to be correct.  If someone does a bunch of personal driving outside of where they should have been going for business, it would be obvious with the visual map of what they drove.

Since you've already integrated the map into tracking under GPS, it's just a matter of saving that map and associating it with the mileage expense that is being created by that GSP tracking.