Signature Live chat: An instantaneous gateway to initiate chat!

Signature Live chat: An instantaneous gateway to initiate chat!

Hello buddies,

Today, let's see how to harness the maximum out of Zoho SalesIQ's signature chat feature.

Well, let's just quickly delve into the details.

Say you send out an email campaign, that discloses all the deals and offers that your customers could avail as a part of the end of season sale going on in your store. And say your team constructed the mail so brilliantly that any customer who reads it would definitely want to come down to your website and buy your products. 

But back to reality, do you really think your customers would take an effort to come down to your website? It would be an obvious NO! 

Only 10% of your customers would actually scoot back, type in your firm's name in search engines or type your firm's website URL, and search for you, rest would just have this urge to come down to your store in the heat of the moment!

In this era not everybody is too avid enough to take efforts, customers want everything to be available at their footsteps!

So what do we do?  

Be more accessible and available for your customers! Use our signature chat in the email campaigns that you send out.

Wondering what Signature chat is? 

Relax, I will just briefly explain what signature chat is and what can it do for you!  Signature stamp would act as a direct gateway for your customers to initiate a chat, right away from the campaign mails that you send. 

The moment your customers click on the signature stamp, it will re-direct them from their mailboxes to a page that you have exclusively customized for the customers who initiate chats via the signature stamp alone, where your chat window pops up ( Role of intelligent triggers ), drawing the attention of your customers! And, tada this way you can get your visitors to interact with you and your squad! And I guess your super support squad would take over the situation from there on.

What are the types of signature live chat available?

Well, there are two types, 

Generalized Signature live chat- Route the visitors streaming into your website, by clicking on the Signature stamp either manually after they drop in a message or you can also let the visitors choose the desired department right away from their chat windows.
Else you can eradicate the post-routing process by utilizing the Operator specific Signature stamp to directly route the visitor chats streaming in to a particular operator alone. 
Check out this video on how to avail the Signature stamp feature of Zoho SalesIQ,


Tip anyone?

Is the web traffic hitting your website relatively low compared to your competitors? Then, instead of re-directing the visitors initiating chat via signature stamp to a customized page, re-direct them to your website right away.

Intrigued? Want to know how to utilize Zoho SalesIQ's signature stamp feature in the articles that you post about your firm and its products in social media channels? Then do follow this forum to stay in loop!

Fond regards,