Single Purchase Order with different warehouses in Zoho Inventory

Single Purchase Order with different warehouses in Zoho Inventory

It is strange that Zoho Inventory dose not allow multiple Warehouses for a single PO record. Though there is a Warehouse field on the record header details area and that gets propagated across all the line items. However, this is not practical to receive all the items to just one warehouse. It shows the warehouses and their stock levels but as greyed.

Alternatively there is no confirmation too on Purchase Receives that the goods are delivered on which warehouse, it is just blindly goods received with no link/ confirmation to which warehouse to. Because there are even cases that one SKU (item) itself from the same PO is delivered to multiple warehouses. Though transfer order can be used as an alternative/workaround but is not a solution. 

If a direct bill is created, that allows linking different warehouse to each line item.   
However, if you convert Bill from Purchase Order, that is also restricted as not to be changed for warehouse. 

Can I have a solution on this? or if there is no direct solution for now, can we please have this as an Idea?