Sketch Insert in Text Card Bugs

Sketch Insert in Text Card Bugs

I like the sketch insert feature in the text card, however I'm experiencing a number of really annoying bugs.

First, often the sketch insert will insert multiple copies into the text card when I close it. This can be as many as five or more and at varying levels of completion compared to the version I "close and save" in the text card. I have to go back through and delete the copies, which takes time and is not terribly easy.

Second, sometimes the sketch insert saves an incomplete version compared to what is on my screen when I close out. This is frustrating as I can lose most of my notes.

Third, sometimes when I close the sketch insert after reopening to edit, it readds something I erased (while keeping new additions). This can make the card very messy.

I really like the app because I like a lot of the other features, but these bugs (especially #2, which is not easily fixable) are making me reconsider.

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