SKU Please ...:)

SKU Please ...:)

Would it be possible to add the SKU on the Package and Invoice ?
I checked with the template, but no luck, the SKU isn't a field that can be added.
We have to manually write the SKU on each package list and it's a PITA and prone to a lot of error.
When picking parts on the shelves for shipping, it is almost impossible to work without it.
Please add it to the most important documents or at least make it available in the template.

Also, not a big deal, but if you could make the items clickable on the invoice and package list , that would be cool.

Another little thing that would help is having an actual qty available on the order will also help us manage inventory and purchase orders.
What we have to do now is...
1) Copy the item description on the order (no SKU available ..;)
2) Search the items by the name
3) Look in the search list for the avaibility
4) Return in the order..

These are little things that can help A LOT on using ZOHO Inventory which I think will become great over time.