Filter data in pivot tables and charts with slicers

Filter data in pivot tables and charts with slicers

At Zoho Sheet, we diligently track user requests and feedback. In line with this, based on extensive user requests, we've integrated Slicers to pivot tables and are delighted to announce its release. Slicers are interactive visual filters that have add, edit, customize, and delete options.

How do slicers differ from usual filters?

Spreadsheet filters are handy to sort relevant data from an extensive data set. While traditional filters are applied as drop-downs within the table, slicers are prominent graphical elements with buttons that you can place anywhere inside the sheet. 

Establish multiple pivot connections

Slicers allow you to establish connections between multiple pivot tables in your spreadsheet, allowing you to filter and analyze data simultaneously, provided the tables share the same source data. You can choose to add or remove connections at any time.

Personalize your slicers

Like every other object in Zoho Sheet, you can customize slicers and their buttons based on the layout, height, weight, and font, and smartly align with other objects in your spreadsheet.

Slicers are useful, especially when multiple pivot tables are connected, in building interactive spreadsheet dashboards.

Try the new slicer option in Zoho Sheet and tell us your feedback. Follow our community to receive all the latest product-related announcements and updates.

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