Social Media Simplified with Zoho Social: How to handle your social media when you're away

Social Media Simplified with Zoho Social: How to handle your social media when you're away

How long have you been putting off that vacation because you need to be available all the time at work? Or are you that person who goes on a vacation taking your phone around to find good Wi-Fi or network? That's the thing with social media, right? Holidays mean work for you because you've got to ensure you're reaching all the people who are spending an extra 5 minutes scrolling their phones on their own holiday. Sounds familiar? Are you a social media marketer too, then? This post is just for you!

Social media management is crucial for you to effectively plan, execute, and analyze campaigns. The efforts that go into managing your business' social profiles manually could become hectic and time-consuming over the longer run. But Zoho Social can do the job for you quite easily, letting you take a back-seat when it comes to keeping your profiles updated, consistently posting and tracking metrics, studying competitors, and so much more. 

Let's see how Zoho Social can help you with five important tasks from your to-do list while you're on that long pending vacation.
  • Post and schedule effectively  The process of creating content, publishing it, or scheduling it is entirely streamlined and made available for you in a single dashboard. Zia can help you get past your writer's block to compose content for your post; and add anything you want to add to it like hashtags, location, tags, media, etc., to make it more interesting. Schedule it for the specific date and time at which it has to go live across the channels, and you're done. Use the Bulk Schedule option to schedule up to 350 posts in bulk at one go.

  • Assign interactions to team Social's Inbox is the one-stop solution to handle all your interactions from one place. Never miss out on any interaction by connecting all your social channels to Zoho Social. Use assignment rules to automate the assignment of interactions to anyone in your team when you're not available. For instance, you can assign Facebook interactions to John and all X interactions to Lisa. Or you can assign according to the type of interactions like comments, replies, or messages.


  • Automate lead generation  All your scheduled posts have gone live and are receiving good traction. Some of the engagement received has the potential for lead conversions. You don't have to manually go through the engagement you receive on your posts; instead, you can automate this from the lead generation settings by defining actions and keywords. For instance, you can define a social action that anyone who comments on your post is considered a lead, or you can define the keyword "interested". So for anyone who comments, sends a message, or posts with the word "interested", their information is sent to CRM as a lead or contact depending on the actions you've defined.

  • Automate ticket creation — Don't leave your online customers with their queries unanswered while you're away. Let your team handle this using automatic ticket creation settings. You can define keywords like "issue" or "help" and any engagement that has these keywords will immediately be converted into a ticket in Desk for your support team to handle smoothly from there on.

  • Organize your social calendar — There's nothing better than to get back to a fully functional content calendar after your vacation! Social's Calendar hosts the history of all your posts and the agenda for all future posts. You can sort your calendar by scheduling posts while you're away. You can create notes to add anything important that you want to add to a particular day and inform your team. You can add a note to a day to remind your team to follow up with the design team for social media creatives. You can create events to mark any significant event or campaign on your calendar. This gives you or your team the space to plan content around the event in a way that you can reach more people and increase the traction for your profile.

With these functionalities, you can rest-assured that Social will do the job for you while you enjoy in a mobile-free zone!