Sorting A to Z not working

Sorting A to Z not working


I've moved from Evernote and I'm enjoying Zoho Notebook. I am wishing that navigation and display options were a little more robust, but overall am satisfied. 

Following a suggestion on this forum, I am using cover notes to help clean up the display of notebooks containing multiple groups. It is difficult to navigate when the visual for a group is whatever note happens to have been edited last and so keeps changing. I have added an asterisk (*) to the beginning of notes which I want to maintain position at the front of the group and changed the sort type to A to Z. The asterisk places the note before all other notes effectively.

However, within groups, it seems that saved webpages and their thumbnails somehow take priority alphabetically, but only sometimes. When I open a group, my asterisk-led note is shown as the first note, properly. When I leave the note, the thumbnail is my asterisk-led note, properly. However, when I leave the notebook and come back, all groups containing a saved webpage will again have that webpage shown as the front cover. The workaround offered by Kishore R. in this thread:

is thus ineffective and the visual presentation of information is still muddy and random, and moreso since even the group names are opaque and difficult to read depending on the note thumbnail behind them.

Is there any workaround which will allow me to sort my notes within a notebook that avoid having random thumbnails? I would use more notebooks and rely less on grouping, but that also creates a cluttered display since they cannot be grouped or stacked together. I would be happy with any effective workaround until (hopefully) the navigation and display options are expanded soon.

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