Speedy work in Connect ... is it possible?

Speedy work in Connect ... is it possible?

Since there are apparently no keyboard shortcuts for 'Connect', is there any way to work faster in Connect?

Example: I just tried to delete (or at least make disappear from the list) some daily repeated tasks that have not been checked off for a while. Normally (in other software), in order to bulk delete, you can check the top one; hold shift; and check the bottom one in order to select the whole lot in between. Then you proceed by selecting what you want to do with the selected items: 'delete', 'move', or something else. Not in ZOHO-Connect!:

Even after selecting all of the items, manually, one-by-one, there is still no option to "bulk-do" anything. Instead, you have to click to open each and every one of the items, navigate to delete and confirm the delete. This is a lot of time wasted on something that one should be able to do much quicker, if ZOHO-Connect would be ... well ... a smarter, handier program (sorry to say).

It is not the first issue I have come up against in Connect that makes working with it slow and cumbersome, and I often myself reverting to other (non-ZOHO) tools because it needs to be done quickly, and/or when I don't want to lose momentum - while I would like very much for Connect to be a handy, go-to tool for my work, tasks, organisation, projects, operations and life. 

Am I missing some functionalities? Are there smarter ways I don't know about yet?