Spotlight #9: Custom Domain

Spotlight #9: Custom Domain

Hello everyone!
We're back again to highlight another WorkDrive feature in our spotlight series: Custom Domain.

Domain names are like home addresses for websites— they help visitors find the site and are usually easy to remember. They also help establish the company's unique brand identity.

With the custom domain name feature in WorkDrive, the users can access their WorkDrive account via a domain name relevant to their organization or team.

In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know before you start personalizing your organization's WorkDrive account using your very own custom domain.

What is a custom domain?

A Custom Domain is a branded and customized name (or URL) of a website, unique to one's organization or team.

How are custom domains useful? 

  • Using a custom domain name will allow your team members to access WorkDrive via a URL relevant to your organization or team.
  • This will also help you promote your brand when you share files using your company's custom domain name.
  • Your company name will now be in your download and external access links, which will help differentiate your online presence from your competitors.


Let's say you are from the organization Zylker. Instead of the typical WorkDrive domain ( you can log in to your WorkDrive account via a custom URL ( or

Note: Support for the Custom Domain feature is only available in WorkDrive's Business plan. Check the details of all WorkDrive plans here.

How to create a custom domain URL in WorkDrive

  1. Click Admin Console in the bottom-left corner of your WorkDrive account. The Admin Console page will open in a new tab.
  2. Click Settings in the left panel.
  3. Select Custom Domain.
  4. In the new section to the right, enter the new URL under Domain Name. The URL should have a sub-domain and be in this format:
  6. On the next page, you will see two CNAME values. Enter those details in your domain name provider's website to set up a CNAME record.
  7. Click MAP DOMAIN.
  8. After successfully mapping your domain name in your domain name provider website, WorkDrive will initiate the SSL certificate purchase for your new domain.
  9. Once the SSL certificate installation is complete, the custom domain will be automatically enabled for your account. Your team can then access your WorkDrive account through the provided customized domain URL directly.
  10. When a custom domain is enabled, users accessing the WorkDrive domain ( will be redirected to the custom domain, and all their files and folders will be rendered with the custom domain.

For more clarification and to understand how to delete and disable active custom domains, visit our detailed help article on custom domain.

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