Spotlight 1: Cloning an event

Spotlight 1: Cloning an event

When you are hosting a series of events, or the same event every year, having to plan it from scratch every single time can be exhausting. With Backstage, you can now save time by cloning an existing event that you've previously created, checking if everything is in place, and going live in an instant.
Build from any of your events
Creating a new event involves keying in basic event details, setting up the agenda, inviting other organizers, adding speakers, configuring tickets and sponsors, designing your microsite, and preparing for your sessions by linking speaker presentations. 
With the ability to clone your event, you can copy all the existing data into a new event. The participant data, like your attendee lists and sponsor lists, are not carried over. 

You can clone an event even if it is running or has already been completed, and your presented sessions will be reset to upcoming ones. Also note that any changes to your cloned copy will not affect the original event.
Oversee what gets carried ahead
When you clone an event, you can name your new event, update the new date and time, and additionally decide what data you'd like to be copied over. By default, Backstage copies everything, but you can always manage this before you create an event's clone.

Learn more about cloning your events on Zoho Backstage and replicate your best event experiences!
You can always write to us at with feedback on how you were able to replicate your events with Zoho Backstage.

Happy organizing!