Spotlight #5: Admin Dashboard

Spotlight #5: Admin Dashboard

Hello everyone!
We're back again, highlighting another feature for our spotlight series on Zoho WorkDrive.

In this article, we’ll focus on how you can get an overview of your team activities with Admin Dashboard, or go deeper and get detailed reports on file usage and user activities.

The team files you've created over time are a knowledge base for your business. Admin Dashboard helps you see the top actions performed, user actions, most active Team Folders, and other storage details, in a snap. 

Admin Dashboard gives a comprehensive overview of everything happening on your team, and enables you to perform important admin actions. You can use your Admin Dashboard to:
  • View your team's current size and invite more members.
  • Check pending invites and send reminders.
  • Check how many user licenses are in use, and purchase more.
  • See how your team's storage space is being used.
  • View real-time activity on your team.

  • Get a graphical summary of team activity

    To see a brief overview of the activity on your team, you can view the number of files created, uploaded, downloaded, and edited during a selected period.

  • View storage details 

    Team admins can get an overview of the storage used by their team from the dashboard in the admin console. They can also see how much storage is used for individual Team Folders and by team members. 

  • Resend or revoke invitations   

    You can send reminders to people who haven't accepted your invitation, or if you've sent an invite to the wrong person, you can always revoke the invitation.
We hope this article provides you with a better understanding of how to get a quick summary of your team activities within your file manager. 
Please follow WorkDrive's Community to stay connected and updated on every product update in the series. 

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