Stateless Form button of type button triggering validation

Stateless Form button of type button triggering validation

I have encountered what seems like a bug with buttons in stateless forms.

The button is checking for required fields on the form even though the button is not submitting any data.

I would expect a button with type Submit would check for required fields.
I would NOT expect a button of type Button to check for required fields.

Take the following example:

This is a stateless form opened into a popup window from a list view action.

Notice the single required field.

This form has two buttons.

- Submit (type Submit)
- Close (type Button)

The close button has a workflow tied to is as follows:

and the Script:

openUrl("#Script:dialog.closeAll","Same Window");

When clicking the "Close" button, the popup dialogue should close. 

Instead, zoho is checking for the Required Field to have a value and my onclick script does not run.

This makes sense for a button of type Submit but it does not make sense for other buttons.

How can i override this bad behaviour?

I need buttons to be able to execute scripts without running into form validation error.

Is this a bug or am i missing something?

Yes, i know i could remove all my required fields and build massive validation scripts for all my forms. This is not really viable in my case.