Still no blackberry Support...but why?

Still no blackberry Support...but why?

i've been poking my nose around other forums.... 
and noticed that any sort blackberry compatibility has been a users request as far back as 4 years!!!
and there is still not much app dev on the BB platform....
i really want to a Project version of the app on My (BB) Z10,
considering that Black berry works off android, you guys should be able to at the minimum develop an ported app for the BlackBerry Customers. After all, most of you guys are servicing the business sector, and BlackBerry is a company that specializes it products for the very same market gap... 

So whats the hold up? 
And second developing a ported android app for blackberry isn't that time it?
users could also slide load it their phone....
for people who don't know what slide-loading for Blackberry is, check this out

Any light on the matter will be use full,
Thanks a ton!

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